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展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 2020

查字典美术网 2020-11-26

作为国内首个面向国际酒店型艺术博览会,AArt上海城市艺术博览会于2020年11月20日至22日在上海华邑酒店顺利举行。南希画廊(Nancy’s Gallery)携一批优秀艺术家的作品参加了此次博览会,让我们一起感受一下展览现场的气氛吧!

展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 20201 南希画廊


尤洋You Yang, 肖颖Xiao Ying, 冉启泉Ran Qiquan, 杜海军Du Haijun, 刘婷Liu Ting, 廖扬Liao Yang,章华Zhang Hua,高异Gao Yi

1.展览介绍 Introduction


展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 20202 2020AArt作为国内首个面向国际的酒店型艺术博览会,领先定义“沪上精致新美学”。这里汇集了来自北京、上海、台北、深圳、澳大利亚、纽约的近30家画廊与艺术机构,甄选优质画廊中的精品佳作,包括留名艺术史的19世纪绘画大师、中国现当代重要艺术家的作品、日本动漫大师手绘原作等。展览内容方面将呈现三大板块——画廊主展区“画廊荟萃”、青年艺术创作者的舞台“城市创新秀”,以及聚焦文创艺术机构、设计品牌的“艺术礼物”。

展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 20203 2.展览现场 Live

展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 20204 展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 20205 展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 20206 展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 20207 展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 20208 上海城市艺术博览会的一贯定位是小而美、体验式的艺术博览会。本次参展,南希画廊艺术家的油画,版画,综合媒材作品以及雕塑被精心布置于家居气氛的酒店客房里,把多元的艺术品与大家平时熟悉的生活环境融为一体,在轻松愉快的氛围中传递美学的力量,也恰恰符合了南希画廊的创办宗旨“传播文化,分享艺术”,为观者带来了一场高雅亲和的艺术盛宴。

展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 20209 展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 202010 展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 202011 展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 202012 展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 202013 The Exhibition - Nancychr(39)s Gallery

展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 202014 As the first international art fair at hotel in China, AArt2020 defines "Shanghai Exquisite New Aesthetics". It has gathered nearly 30 galleries and institutions from Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Shenzhen, Australia and New York. All the artworks are carefully selected, including works from famous 19th-century painting masters, works by important Chinese modern and contemporary artists, and original works by Japanese animation masters. AArt2020 has three sections: "Gallery Gathering" area, "City Creating New talent" for young artists, and "Art gift" focusing on cultural and creative art institutions and design brands.

AArt has always been positioned as a small, beautiful, experiential art fair. In this exhibition, Nancy’s Gallery carefully decorated oil paintings, prints, mixed media works and sculptures in a household atmosphere in the hotel room. Integrating diverse artworks with the familiar living environment and conveying the power of aesthetics in a relaxed and happy atmosphere are exactly in line with the founding tenet of Nancy Gallery, "Spreading culture and sharing art", which brings an elegant and friendly art feast to the audience.

The three-day art fair ended in a late autumn rain. Nancy’s Gallery have Shared art with art lovers and collectors, made many new faces and met many old friends. Nancy’s Gallery would like to thank all the staff and all the guests who have come to visit. If you are interested in our works, please visit our website or visit our Gallery.


展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 202015 南希画廊主理人Nancy Lee女士与主办方

展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 202016








展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 202017 长久以来,肖颖的创作主题都是:肖像与花像,两种不同而又似乎相同的自然创造物。对自然与生命的敬畏,是她作品恒久的表达命题。观众也仿佛被带入了一座枝条交疏的幽深花园,这里古木参天,藤蔓交织,肆意盛开的野玫瑰每一瓣纹理都精致动人,这里是心灵最好的栖居地。

展览现场|AArt Shanghai City Art Fair 202018


Welcome all of you to this exhibition!”









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